Emotions are a Gift?
Long Journey...
First a Recap and Note
Let’s remember from the first part of our story (Emotions- Gift or Affliction?🤔) Little had made a lot of decisions about God, about people, and about life from her experiences that became the foundational Beliefs that were running in the Subconscious of Big.
A simple way to understand the differences between Little and Big is to look at computers and cell phones. Both operate from one of two general camps PC (Windows, Linux) or Apple for computers and for cell phones Android or Apple. In my example, Little and Apple are in one camp while Big, PC (Windows or Linux) and Android are in another.
Function is happening in both camps. Things are being accomplished, all is well--until they attempt to work with each other without a translator. Without a translator, all is chaos and division. One camp to the right and the other camp to the left.
Part 1 of the Long Journey
An Example of Push-Me-Pull-You Memories between Little and Big
Big is Bursting Out
May 1977
After already watching Star Wars once --- having to watch Star Wars again with Dad and Brother because the battery had died in the Blazer. Drive-ins! 🥴😜
Fast Forward to June 26, 1977
Since Dad wasn’t home, Big was quickly eating dinner while Mom was getting ready for the performance that evening. Big was now going with Mom.
Then Dad burst into the house just in the nick of time. There was traffic that held him back, so the plans returned to Dad going with Mom.
Fast Forward to Early morning June 27, 1977
Big’s growing awareness included a bang on her bedroom door that was loud enough to break through the snoring of Aunt Julia. Big could also hear the snoring of Aunt Mary in her brother’s room right next door as she opened the door to find her brother standing there.
As Big sleepily awoke she heard her brother telling her that the police were at the front door and could she open the door? Big was so surprised that her brother didn’t just do it himself.
Big put on her robe over her nightgown-both made of flimsy material-as she walked down the hall towards the stairs. There was no need for lights, since the full moon was brightly shining in through the large picture windows above the front door. It was interesting to watch her brother scurry ahead of her hiding himself under the stairway landing-- right next to the front door that afforded him an excellent snooping position to discover for himself why the police had come without doing the work of opening the door. Brothers.
Big opened the door to see the police officers in the moonlit night. Since Big was only a kid, they wanted to know if any adults were home. They were very stern. Accustomed to answering the phone for Dad’s wrought iron business, Big wanted to know why they wanted to know and asked them that question. After all, Big knew enough to be cautious about opening the door to strangers. The officers said that there had been an accident.
Meanwhile, Brother scampered out from under the landing and went upstairs to get the Aunts while I told the police officers that there were our two elderly Aunts available, but they only spoke Spanish. Since neither officer spoke Spanish they had to radio for a translator and I closed the front door.
---This is a good stopping point to bring in some perspective.
Missing a translator, Little’s efforts at protecting Big are about to receive a huge earthquake.
Big didn’t know what Little knew about life and the need to protect self. All that Big knew was that she was breaking out of Little’s jail.